karioska ethnic chic art deco house


Bamileke Shield - Arrow

169,00 199,00 

The Bamiléké shield embodies the essence of Cameroonian art and tradition, and with its intricate patterns and rich history, is a must-have for lovers of Bamiléké crafts and ethnic wall decor. Its geometric patterns and black-and-white design capture the eye and stimulate the imagination, evoking water and earth, vital elements in Bamiléké cosmology. Technical Description: Category: wall or floor decoration Composition: kolatier wood, clay (kaolin) Color: white, black Diameter (cm): 35, 55 Use: back includes handle for easy handling Made 100% by hand, each piece is unique and may vary slightly from the model shown in the photo. Dimensions may vary by +/-3cm. Delivery between 2 and 4 weeks.

Commitment to fair trade principles, ensuring fair remuneration and equitable working conditions for artisans.

The purchase of a decorative piece contributes directly to the economic support of artisans and their families in rural African communities.

By choosing a piece of handicraft, you are actively participating in the promotion of ethical and responsible craftsmanship, encouraging more conscious and respectful consumption.

Every purchase helps to preserve and promote the cultural wealth and artistic heritage of the Bamiléké people.

Each decorative piece is handcrafted by local artisans using traditional methods handed down from generation to generation.

Use of natural and renewable materials, minimizing environmental impact and guaranteeing the durability of each piece.

Commitment to fair trade principles, ensuring fair remuneration and equitable working conditions for artisans.

The purchase of a decorative piece contributes directly to the economic support of artisans and their families in rural African communities.

By choosing a piece of handicraft, you are actively participating in the promotion of ethical and responsible craftsmanship, encouraging more conscious and respectful consumption.

Every purchase helps to preserve and promote the cultural wealth and artistic heritage of the Bamiléké people.

Each decorative piece is handcrafted by local artisans using traditional methods handed down from generation to generation.

Use of natural and renewable materials, minimizing environmental impact and guaranteeing the durability of each piece.


ddddd lBouclier art déco africain de forme losange fait main par les artisans de l’Ouest du Cameroun à base de matériaux 100% naturels. Autrefois utilisé comme arme défensive, il est à présent très prisés par les designers, les décorateurs et les collectionneurs d?art. Il est un symbole de protection.

Le bouclier Bamiléké en losange est un bouclier d’art déco africain similaire au bouclier Zulu. Il est sculpté dans un solide morceau de bois de kolatier, utilise la méthode du bois brulé, orné de motifs géométriques et recouvert d?argile blanche (kaolin).

Le bouclier zulu

Le bouclier zulu est une arme défensive très puissante utilisée pour protéger les personnes contre des attaques. Il offre une protection complète et fiable, car il est fait d’un matériau lourd et durable qui ne se brise pas facilement. De plus, le bouclier Zulu se transporte facilement grâce à sa poignée ergonomique intégrée. En outre, ce type de bouclier offre également un grand nombres d’avantages pratiques tels qu’une bonne vision pendant la bataille ainsi que la possibilités d?utiliser des armes supplémentaires telles que des lances ou même un arc sur le côtet du bouclier pour augmenter encore plus votre protection en cas de besoin urgent

Le bouclier africain bamiléké

Les Bamiléké forment un peuple de grands guerriers qui utilisaient ces boucliers comme arme défensive. Ces boucliers de l?ethnie Bamiléké sont devenus des objets décoratifs uniques, contemporains et authentiques.

> Deco Gallery
> Video

Category: wall or table decoration
Composition : kolatier wood, clay (kaolin)
Color: black, white
Size (cm) : 35
Use: the back includes a handle for easy handling
Delivery: delivered with a wall mounting bracket

Additional information

Weight 3 kg
Dimensions 45 × 28 × 28 cm

35cm, 55 cm


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