karioska ethnic chic art deco house


You are looking for

A touch of authenticity

an acquisition

in all

While adding character to your interior, you support an ethical supply chain that values artisans, helps preserve their rich cultural heritage and develops an economic sector.


Decorative arts and crafts boutique

Discover our unique collection of handcrafted decorations and rare antiques. Each piece tells a story, so bring it into your home.

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Deco Gallery

Find inspiration for a unique decor

Admire our handcrafted objects beautifully integrated into a variety of decors, and imagine how they might embellish your home.


We select premium quality handcrafted decoration, rare objects and antiques from the heart of Africa, direct to your door. 

Limited-time offers

Every offer is a unique opportunity!

Don't miss our OADLs! Take advantage of exclusive discounts on a selection of our finest pieces. Hurry, these exceptional offers won't last long.

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